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Citrus fruit squeezer for Hurom HW PRO

Citrus fruit squeezer for Hurom HW PRO

  • Citrus squeezer is an indispensable accessory for retail and catering outlets, fitness clubs, modern offices, bars, pubs, healthy food outlets, catering companies or hotels.
199,00 zł
brutto / szt.
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Regular price: / szt.
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Designed for you

The world's first

The world's first slow-running juicer has been developed and patented by Hurom ("Vertical Cold Press Juicers")

Quiet and easy to clean

The quiet motor allows you to start your morning without causing a fuss, and cleaning only takes a few minutes.

Safe juice squeezing

Hurom juice squeezers are 100% BPA-free and have no blades or sharp parts, making them safe for your whole family.

Delicious, unprocessed juice


Slow-speed juicing allows you to extract more juice that retains its flavour and nutritional value for up to 72 hours.

More nutrients, minimal oxidation

Natural auger shaft movement minimises degradation of valuable nutrients, ensuring that the natural flavour and nutritional value of the juice is retained.

Oszczędź kupując więcej

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Bargain Hurom HWS PRO kit - professional espresso machine - for catering, stainless steel, HW-SBE18, Squeezer HW PRO

4 990,00 zł brutto/1szt.
Lowest price in 30 days before discount: 4 990,00 zł/1szt.0%Regular price: 5 189,00 zł brutto/1szt.-4%
Zobacz zestaw

We present the squeezer designed for Hurom HW PRO, which is a professional juicer for the HoReCa industry.

Citrus squeezer is an indispensable accessory for retail and catering outlets, fitness clubs, modern offices, bars, pubs, healthy food outlets, catering companies or hotels.

If you care about the highest quality of freshly squeezed juice from citrus juice with maximum efficiency and durability at the same time this squeezer is for you. Additionally you gain incredible ease of use of the squeezing attachment and minimum number of dirty parts to wash elements to wash.
Removal of the squeezer is done with one hand movement and takes seconds. Thanks to this washing the squeezer cap takes just a moment and does not interfere with work. This is of great importance in industries, which in their industries that offer a varied menu of freshly squeezed citrus juices citrus juices.

The citrus cap has been designed for continuous operation in demanding commercial environments.

Squeeze and squeeze professionally!

See how the Hurom squeezer works

Kod producenta
Motor power
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Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe. Dane są przetwarzane zgodnie z polityką prywatności. Przesyłając je, akceptujesz jej postanowienia.

Opinie o Citrus fruit squeezer for Hurom HW PRO

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