Fresh juice from the slow juicer - valuable electrolytes for seniors
Is the Fresh juice from the slow juicer a valuable electrolytes source for seniors?
Proper hydration of the body should be taken care of at any age. However, seniors who often struggle with diseases of the circulatory system should especially watch their proper level in the body. And everyone probably already knows that the most tasty and pleasant way to hydrate the body is with delicious juices which provide the necessary electrolytes and vitamins.
What are electrolytes and what is their function in the body?
Electrolytes are substances with an electrical charge. They regulate the water balance in the human body. They are necessary for maintaining adequate hydration of the body. But this is not the end of their functions in the human body.
Electrolytes are also responsible for blood pressure control. They play a major role in the regulation of the acid-base balance. Moreover, thanks to their electric charge, they participate in the conduction of nerve impulses. They are therefore responsible for contraction of the skeletal muscles and heart. Magnesium is one of the electrolytes. Surely you have experienced more than once the characteristic and painful muscle cramps that can wake you up at night. This may be a symptom of magnesium deficiency.
Electrolytes include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, as well as chlorides and phosphates. All these substances are extremely important for maintaining the correct functioning of the organism on many levels. Their source can be, among others, freshly squeezed juices from fruit and vegetables. It is best to prepare them yourself at home with a slow juicer . Thanks to it you can be sure that the juice has no additional sweeteners and chemicals. Instead, it will be rich in all valuable substances from plants.
The role of electrolytes in the diet of seniors
Seniors, among others, belong to a group of people who are particularly vulnerable to dehydration and electrolyte loss. The diet of elderly people is often badly balanced. As a result, seniors often have vitamin and mineral deficiencies. In addition, they struggle with many co-morbidities and lack of appetite. Among the most common are diseases of the circulatory system, including hypertension. And it is the electrolytes that play a huge role in its regulation. In addition, not only seniors need to be reminded to drink at least 2 litres of water every day.
Medication which has a diuretic effect can also contribute to the loss of electrolytes. Together with weakened immunity and the risk of contracting various types of diarrhoea, the risk of electrolyte levels dropping to dangerous levels increases. All this makes it necessary for seniors in particular to ensure an adequate amount of electrolytes in their daily diet.
Sources of electrolytes
To supplement electrolyte deficiency, you can always reach for pharmacy preparations or isotonic drinks. However, you can also supplement your diet with natural sources of these valuable substances. You can find them in many vegetables, fruit and nuts. In addition to electrolytes, they are also a source of many valuable vitamins and other substances which will improve the overall condition of your body.
So the best sources of potassium are bananas, tomatoes or dried apricots. Magnesium can be found in cocoa, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and almonds. Calcium comes from dairy products, nuts, pulses and green vegetables such as kale, parsley, dill, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. The best source of sodium is salt, among others, which is an excellent seasoning for vegetable juices. You can also find it in olives or pickled cucumbers.
The best way to use natural sources of electrolytes is in freshly squeezed juices. Adding vegetables to a hot meal, for example, requires heating and processing, which always involves a certain loss of nutrients. In the same way as squeezing juice with a juicer, which heats the juice. It is much more beneficial to use a slow-running fruit and vegetable juicer. These machines will also have no problem squeezing juice from leafy green vegetables.
Recipes for delicious juices full of electrolytes
Below you will find recipes for juices from a slow juicer that will provide you with all the necessary electrolytes. A smoothie based on natural yoghurt is also a great option. The Alpha Plus series of juicers will allow you to prepare clear juices and thick smoothies.
Tomato juice with kale
Pumpkin seeds
Preparation: adjust the amount of vegetables to the amount of juice you want to obtain. Put the vegetables into the juicer. Grind the pumpkin seeds with a hand blender or chop them into small pieces. Add salt to taste at the very end.
Banana smoothie with yoghurt and cocoa
Preparation: blend all ingredients, serve chilled.
There is no better and tastier source of potassium than freshly squeezed tomato juice. With the addition of salt, it tastes unparalleled. In addition, it can be the basis for other vegetable juices. Especially recommended for seniors at risk of losing valuable electrolytes.

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