How to make grape juice?

How to make grape juice?


Excellent fruits suitable for squeezing are grapes. Both white and red contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. With using a slow-speed juicer you will squeeze the juice and preserve valuable antioxidants and vitamins for health. The taste of grape juice is sure to is sure to appeal to children as well.

Why should you drink juice from grapes?

White and red grapes are valued for their sweet taste and for the valuable nutrients they they contain. There is plenty of potassium in white grapes, which is certainly useful for people suffering from high blood pressure. In turn red grapes, in addition to many vitamins and minerals contain a valuable antioxidant - resveratrol. This substance protects the body from oxidative stress and thus exhibits anticancer properties.

Red grapes have properties supporting the work of the circulatory, urinary and digestive systems. For the elderly, they are recommended for their properties supporting heart function and relieving constipation. In turn, for women who are pregnant women grape juice is recommended due to its content of folic acid. Grapes also protect the eyesight and, due to a large amount of sugar - they support brain function. However, they are not recommended for people with diabetes and obesity.

Grape juice should include in their diet also people struggling with long-term fatigue or problems with concentration. The fruit also supports the work of the nervous system thanks to its content of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium and boron.

Juice squeezer - the best way to make grape juice

The best device for squeezing grape juice is a slow-speed juicer. W hurom brand you will find many models, which are characterized by convenience of use, high quality of materials used for production and, above all, great technical parameters. Hurom is a well-known manufacturer of juicers. Devices of this company achieve lowest auger rotation speed, which is an extremely important feature. The low number of revolutions per minute ensures that the squeezed juice is not will be heated, and thus will not lose valuable for health nutrients.

Hurom DU juice squeezers Chef are an example of horizontal and multifunctional. With their help you will squeeze healthy juice, but also make a delicious dessert for children in the form of sorbet from grapes.

In the manufacturer's offer you will find also vertical models, which will take up much less space on the kitchen counter less space. In addition, the H100 model has a large batch chamber, so you so you don't have to cut the fruit before putting it into the juicer. In addition, you can fit more than just grapes in the chamber. You can enrich with the addition of other fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, spinach or lemon.

Juicing with the juicer is very simple. Also, keeping the device clean cleaning is not a difficult task. All this makes freshly squeezed juice you can prepare for any meal. Equally well you can squeeze a larger amount of it at one time. Juice from squeezers is poorly aerated, so you can easily you can store it in the refrigerator for up to 72 hours.

How to preserve grape juice for winter?

Grape juice exhibits the following effects antiviral and antibacterial, for this reason it is worth storing it also for autumn, winter and spring, when the season of cold and flu. However, how to store the juice so that it is suitable for to drink also in a few months?

Any method of storing juice involves some loss of valuable nutrients. To preserve them as much as possible, it is worthwhile to juice from a slow-runningjuicer freeze. Be sure to choose a glass vessel for this - a jar or bottle. Adjust the capacity of the vessel so that after thawing it you can drink the juice. Stored in bottles that are too large, it will spoil faster spoil after thawing than it will be drunk.

Freezing is the easiest and fastest way to store freshly squeezed juices fruit and vegetable juices. You can take the juice out at any time, set it aside to thaw and simply drink it with taste. Unfortunately the capacity of freezers in standard refrigerators is severely limited, therefore not everyone can afford to freeze juices afford. Another way is pasteurization.

In order to pasteurize juice, it should be first boil it, then pour it into glass vessels - jars or bottles - seal tightly and boil again in a large pot lined with a cloth. Thus prepared juice can be safely set aside on a shelf in the pantry and open at any time. It will an excellent addition to tea or water.

Grape juice is an excellent source of vitamins C, A, K and minerals such as magnesium, iron, copper or calcium. In their composition you will also find powerful antioxidants that protect the body against cancer and atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is worth including in your diet both fresh fruits and juice squeezed from them. In preserving all the nutritional values will help you with the Hurom slow-speed juicer. Quickly and easily you will squeeze juice from grapes and pasteurize or freeze it for winter.

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