Juices for anemia rich in iron. How to quickly replenish iron in the body?

Juices for anemia rich in iron. How to quickly replenish iron in the body?


Anemia is a disease that women are more likely to suffer from. However, iron deficiency is dangerous for people regardless of gender or age. If you're in the risk group, there's an easy and enjoyable way to get more of it in your diet, and not through red meat. Today about healthy and tasty juices for anemia full of iron.

Why do we need iron and who is at risk of deficiency?

Iron is an important mineral that regulates many processes in the human body. First of all, it participates in the production of erythrocytes, or red blood cells. It enters into the composition of hemoglobin, which is responsible for supplying oxygen to every cell in the body. In addition, it participates in DNA synthesis and detoxification of the body from harmful compounds.

Iron deficiency anemia can lead to many unpleasant consequences in the body and interfere with normal development in the case of children. The first symptoms of iron deficiency are weakness, problems in concentration, pale skin or cracking of the corners of the mouth.

Among the groups most vulnerable to iron deficiency are women with long and heavy periods. Monthly blood loss can lead to a significant decrease in this component. However, iron deficiency is also often diagnosed in pregnant women due to the high demands of the growing fetus and vegetarians. In the case of the latter, it is due to the lack of meat in the diet, which is a rich source of easily absorbed iron.

A distinction is made between heme iron - its source is meat, and non-heme iron, which is provided by plant products. Unfortunately, iron from plants is less absorbable by the body due to the presence of fiber, among other things. Therefore, the best way to provide iron is freshly squeezed juices rich in iron from a slow juicer. This device preserves the maximum amount of valuable substances and at the same time removes excess fiber contained in the peel and pulp of fruits and vegetables.

Coffee and tea drunk especially right after a meal also reduces iron absorption. Therefore, instead of a hot drink after a meal, drink delicious, freshly squeezed juice from fruits and vegetables. This will not only improve the absorption of iron from a meal, but also provide your body with an extra portion of iron in the form of a delicious juice.

Slow juicer - the ideal device for people at risk of anemia

If you are concerned about including iron-rich juices in your diet, choose a high-quality slow-running juicer. Only then you can be sure that the device will easily extract juice from hard beets and green leafy vegetables. It is in them that the largest deposits of this valuable ingredient are hidden. To prepare juice from them, you can use, for example, Hurom All in One juicers. These models are extremely convenient, as they have a wide inlet opening. Thanks to this, you do not need to finely slice vegetables to squeeze delicious juice from them.

A slow-speed juicer allows you to retain the greatest amount of valuable substances Through the low rotation of the auger. This ensures that the squeezed juice is not additionally heated, as is the case with juicers. As a result, delicate nutrients are not neutralized by high temperatures.

If you like clear juices or prefer smoothies pay attention to the juicer's ability to adjust the density of the juice. Hurom devices always come with two filters, which will give you a more or less clear juice.

A slow-running juicer is a must for people who want to incorporate freshly squeezed juices into their daily diet. In no other way will you be able to get healthy and full of iron beet juice. In addition, this device is easy to use and clean. You can quickly rinse the individual components under running water.

How to quickly replenish iron in the body - recipes for juices with high iron content

Among the richest vegetable sources of iron from which you can squeeze juice, you will find botwinka, beet, spinach or parsley. You'll also find a fair amount of it in carrots, mint or broccoli. Iron absorption can be improved by adding products rich in vitamin C to the juice. This will also enrich the taste of the drink. What are some sample compositions of vegetables from which it is best to squeeze juice full of iron? Below you will find a couple of suggestions.

Parsley juice


  • 1 handful of parsley
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)

Put a peeled lemon and washed parsley into the slow juicer. Squeeze out the juice and drink immediately after preparation.

Beet and beer yeast juice


  • One beet
  • 1 carrot
  • A teaspoon of beer yeast (5g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

Cut the beet and carrot into smaller pieces. Place in a slow-speed juicer. Add water and beer yeast to the juice. Blend well.

Botwinka juice


  • botwinka
  • a handful of spinach
  • half a handful of parsley

Put the botanicals, spinach and parsley into the slow-speed juicer. Squeeze out the juice and drink immediately after preparation.

Freshly squeezed juices for anemia from a juicer are an excellent source of iron for vegetarians as well. In addition, they are much healthier than red meat, which, although rich in iron, should be consumed in moderation. With a slow-speed juicer, you can quickly squeeze juice from hard beets and green leafy vegetables.

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