How to make homemade raspberry juice?
Raspberries are one of the favorite fruits of Poles. All the more pity that the season for them is so short. Fortunately, there are some ways to enjoy their taste and health-promoting properties all year round! One of them is to prepare homemade raspberry juice. Check out how to make it!
What valuable ingredients can you find in raspberries?
Raspberries are distinguished by their high nutrient density. This means that they contain large amounts of nutrients in a small volume. At the same time, you do not have to worry that eating them will disrupt your weight loss diet. A glass of raspberries (about 120 g) provides only 52 kcal, and at the same time many health-promoting ingredients!
Vitamin C
In 100 g of raspberries there is about 30 mg of vitamin C. It is responsible for the proper functioning of the immune system. In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant, thus protecting your body from harmful oxidative stress. Consuming fruits rich in vitamin C also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, as it is necessary for the synthesis of collagen.
Mineral components
Raspberry juice will be a valuable addition to your diet also due to the fact that it is a source of minerals.
- Calcium - is essential for proper bone structure, as well as for the smooth functioning of muscles and the nervous system.
- Iron - is involved in the synthesis of DNA, neurotransmitters and selected hormones, among other things. Deficiency leads to anemia, one of the symptoms of which is excessive fatigue and lethargy.
- Potassium - is responsible for the proper functioning of water-electrolyte balance and muscles.
Raspberries are also a source of phytamines, which are compounds that exhibit similar properties to vitamins. Their source is only plants, and the human body is unable to produce them on its own. They are very important for maintaining good health, as they exhibit antioxidant properties.
Dietary fiber
Consumption of products rich in dietary fiber is conducive to maintaining a slim figure. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on gut microflora, carbohydrate metabolism and lipid profile. A glass of raspberries provides as much as 8 g of this valuable ingredient!
Health-promoting properties of homemade raspberry juice
Due to the presence of many valuable components, drinking raspberry juice can reduce the risk of many diseases.
- Cancer - the high content of antioxidants makes raspberries a fruit with anti-cancer properties. Therefore, their consumption can lower the risk of breast, stomach and colon cancer, among others.
- Diabetes - raspberries are fruits with a low glycemic index. Therefore, you can include them in your diet, even if you suffer from insulin resistance or diabetes (but remember that raspberry juice must not be sweetened with sugar). Moreover, the dietary fiber and tannins present in them promote better blood glucose control.
- Cardiovascular diseases - the compounds found in raspberries have a beneficial effect on the endothelial function of blood vessels. In addition, dietary fiber lowers the concentration of LDL fraction cholesterol (the so-called bad cholesterol). All this means that consumption of raspberries can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Due to the high content of vitamin C and antioxidants, consuming raspberries and juice made from them strengthens your immunity. Therefore, it is advisable to add raspberry juice to warming teas during the autumn and winter.
How to prepare raspberry juice?
The season for raspberries is short. Therefore, it is worth considering what to do to enjoy their taste and health-promoting properties a little longer. To do this, you can prepare raspberry juice with a juicer (such as the Hurom H200 slow-speed juicer).
How to make raspberry juice? It will take you only 30 minutes to prepare it yourself! For this you need fresh fruit and sugar. For 2 l of juice you will need about 2.5 kg of raspberries and 800 g of sugar.
Preparing raspberry juice with a juicer is extremely easy. All you need to do is wash the fruits thoroughly, and then put them into the juicer. It will discard all the seeds from the fruits, which are pressed through a sieve without its help. Then the squeezed juice should be poured into a pot, add sugar and boil. The hot juice is poured into bottles, which must be tightly closed and stored in a dark and cool place. High temperatures, as well as light, can cause significant losses of vitamin C - one of the most valuable components of raspberry juice.
You probably noticed that sugar appears in the recipe given. What if you don't want to add it? How to make raspberry juice without sugar, which will also be advisable for diabetes and insulin resistance? The rules are the same - a juicer such as the Hurom H200 will help you prepare it quickly. You can simply dispense with sweetening the juice. The question remains, however, whether such a taste will appeal to you? The second option is to sweeten it with sugar substitutes (such as xylitol).

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